__{broken} memory code

In an attempt create a truly digitally corroded image, I found that simply by inputting my own words/thoughts about the fondling into the code of the image it produced corrupted coloured lines & other various digitally glitches results (Splitting, moving, and flipping differing parts of the image). Seeing it as a possible poetic act/process of combining a fictitious memory or personal response to the foundling into the computers memory, that in-turn evokes and expands upon the notion of personal spectralisation,

Presenting the image (3 sheets of polycarbonate) in a light-box, with just a single source of illumination from the top evokes the notion of an idea &/or hope (reinforced by the glance of the foundling).  I feel the work also offers a counter take on the paradigm shift to accept the computer screen as surface and the resulting amputation of the object. Further practice-based research is planned for this process, thus the work marks for me the (hopeful) future of my use of the digital and digital printmaking, where there is a seamless and transparent re-embodiment of the mind and the body in the creation and reinstatement of the virtual image as an object that still retains the depth, layers and process of creation.


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