
Mirroring and providing a literal translation of the disembodiment of the body and head (mind) of the ‘AM_N boxes’, the foundlings in ‘disembodiment’ have further explored the notion via the dramatic use of chiaroscuro &/or erasure of information to highlight the separation of either the mind or the body from each other. The encompassing use of black with subtle to strong variations in density and patina (matte to gloss…sorry hard to capture photographically) fills the darkened void of the removed entity (face, body or background), which is comprised of the digital code of that image for (possible) future re-embodiment (i.e. it is possible to enter the code and re-create the image). Focusing my use of the white matte digital ground on the separated face or body provides the emersion of the foundling (i.e. the flat matte finish sinks back into the page visually) as they confront the viewer in seeking to be re-membered.

Built up over 8 layers, the notion of re-storying the images via erasure and by addition (reprinting the same image over and over) resembles the process of memory itself, in where we do not remember our initial memory of something, but create a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory…all of which once again counters the static memory of the digital.


please note…as the Golden digital ground or InkAid pre coats are not stable when layering prints, it is imperative to seal of each printed layer with a (good quality) picture varnish before reapplying your Golden digital grounds or InkAid pre coats. The white matte pre coat (Golden or InkAid) is stable but becomes semi-transparent when layered with another ground or water.

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